Neonatal phototherapy lamps

Neonatal phototherapy lamps BiliBed provide a modern way to treat neonatal jaundice. The device comes with inbuilt light bulb or with LED technology which emits therapeutic light beams and consequently reduces bilirubin concentration. Thanks to using the suit, there is no need for the newborn to use safety glasses. The lamp is very easy to use, lightweight and mobile.

Medela BiliBed neonatal phototherapy lamps are designed to perform treatments in different environments, including patients' homes. The phototherapy lamp provides a quick and precise method for treating neonatal jaundice. Please familiarize yourself with our offer regarding new and reconditioned lamps covered by full guarantee. The final price of the lamp depends on the type - mobile bedside or stationary on mobile base. The mobile bedside type allows to perform phototherapy at mother's home.

Neonatal phototherapy lamps

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Neonatal phototherapy lamps

Neonatal phototherapy is the most popular form of treatment for neonatal jaundice. It is used to treat unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, i.e. elevated concentration of unconjugated bilirubin in the course of prolonged physiological jaundice or haemolytic jaundice accompanying Rh incompatibility. Eligibility criteria for phototherapy include the newborn's age, blood bilirubin level, birth weight, presence of hemolysis in the blood, and plasma albumin levels.

Phototherapy is a method of irradiating the newborn's skin with light of different wavelengths:

  • violet light with a wavelength of 420 - 500 nm
  • blue light with a wavelength of 420 - 560 nm
  • white light with a wavelength of 400 - 600 nm
  • green light with a wavelength of 500 - 600 nm 

Each wavelength is absorbed by bilirubin, which consequently undergoes a photooxidation reaction and structural changes, facilitating its excretion in urine and bile.

Standard phototherapy is carried out in a continuous scheme and usually lasts about one and a half days. During the irradiation period it is necessary to protect the newborn's eyes, change its position every 2-3 hours and constantly monitor the temperature and hydration level. The following can be used for phototherapy:

  • standalone lamps
  • wall-mounted lamps
  • lamps integrated in incubators
  • phototherapy mattresses